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19 Avaliações
fl***el - 0
06 Nov 2024
While the sticks appear to be in good condition, they have rust spots. I apologize. The seller included two small files as a gift.
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uh****tt - 1
28 Oct 2024
Very fast
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08 Nov 2024
The product matches what was described. The quantity is subject to agreement. Some of the lettering is slightly misaligned, but otherwise, everything is satisfactory. The quality is good, and the price is low. I recommend it.
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ve***********ge - 3
05 Nov 2024
The package arrived in 15 days, which is very fast. It was packaged in bubble wrap and a bag. The files have a grit of 180/240, are medium-stiff, file well, and don't crumble. They are on a wooden base. It's a good product. The only thing that upset me was that not all 50 pieces arrived, only 49 (I suspect something happened at customs). I have no complaints about the seller. I recommend the product.
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Arquivo de unhas profissional arquivos de arte de unhas ferramentas de salão de lixar buffer de arquivo Tamanho: arquivos de 5 peças, um par de espaçadores, um pincel, removedor de colher Pacote: 50 pol. Material: Lixa na superfície, Esponja (EVA) na segunda camada, Madeira no nível médio.

Tamanho: 17,8*2*0,1 centímetros

Ocasião: 1) Ferramentas essenciais de nail art para lixar as unhas antes do tratamento das unhas/extensão das unhas/procedimentos cosméticos 2) Pode ser usado para lixar unhas naturais, unhas postiças, extensões de unhas, etc. 3) Perfeito para cuidados com os dedos, marcenaria e uso em salão de beleza 4) Perfeito para uso profissional e pessoal.
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19 reviews 19 verkopen

Lixas de unha para lixamento profissional, manicures perfeitas e duradouras. Versátil, ideal para uso doméstico e salões de beleza.

Entrega editar Brazil

Quantity : 10pc

Em estoque: 600
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Publicados: 16.11.2024 17:37 Em estoque: 600 51Visualizações

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