4 foto
4 Avaliações
04 Nov 2024
The product arrived quickly and was well-packaged. I usually avoid cosmetic products from China or online purchases where I'm unsure of the origin. However, this product is excellent. Initially, my lips burned intensely, which was painful. Afterward, my lips appeared slightly larger, smoother, and had a natural red hue. I believe this was due to increased blood circulation. I was surprised and it genuinely works.
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tr******el - 1
12 Oct 2024
The delivery was very fast! I couldn't use the serum because it burned my lips, but the lip balm is very nice. Thank you.
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ge***85 - 2
10 Oct 2024
Good reception but hasn't been evaluated.
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23 Oct 2024
Because it has a glossy coating, the zumge only needs a little bit of heat to burn and becomes disgusting, so the man doesn't react differently, but wipes it again. Sorry, but this is not a good product.
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Ingredientes: Óleo de jojoba, ingredientes mistos
Classificação de cores: transparente
Tipo de pele: Geral
Eficácia: Modificação
Cor: intensificador de lábios
Conteúdo líquido: 17ml

Tamanho: 4*1.5*11.5cmTitle 1, Lip glaze labial transparente e elástico para l...Title 2, Lip glaze labial transparente e elástico para l...Title 3, Lip glaze labial transparente e elástico para l...Title 4, Lip glaze labial transparente e elástico para l...Title 5, Lip glaze labial transparente e elástico para l...

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4 reviews 4 verkopen

Lip glaze labial transparente e elástico para lábios volumosos, boca grande. Aumente seus lábios com brilho e um efeito carnudo, irresistible.

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Color : Lip Enhancer

Lip Enhancer
Em estoque: 600
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Publicados: 16.11.2024 18:29 Em estoque: 600 10Visualizações

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