6 foto
52 Avaliações
21 Oct 2024
This is the second time I've purchased from this excellent seller. Thank you, the item arrived in very good condition. I recommend this seller.
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wj**de - 1
07 Oct 2024
This is an excellent product! It's concentrated, effective, and doesn't cause irritation.
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ke*************ti - 2
21 Nov 2024
The serum was delivered promptly. The packaging provides all necessary information, including the expiration date, which is acceptable. The ampoule is securely held within the box and was undamaged in transit. It is sealed with a metal lid, ensuring its integrity. The product has a thick, smooth texture, and the ingredients appear to be of good quality. Application is simple and pleasant, and the desired results are noticeable.
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16 Nov 2024
The product matches the description provided. Now I need to test it.
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Conteúdo líquido: 12ml
Volume do produto: 6*3.5*10(cm)
Especificação de embalagem: 200 caixas/caixa
OEM pode ser personalizado

Contém extrato de muco de caracol, textura macia, embelezamento da água, pode fornecer nutrição e umidade à pele, ajudar a nutrir a pele seca, melhorar as linhas finas da pele seca. , Suave e delicada, firma a pele, diminui os poros, torna a pele lisa e embelezada, retarda o envelhecimento e restaura a pele com brilho e brilho leves e translúcidos.

Após limpar a pele, coloque 1-2 gotas do líquido original nas mandíbulas, aponte os dedos para o rosto e massageie suavemente até que ambos os lados sejam absorvidos. O creme ou loção é mais eficaz.

Title 1, Beauty Qiong Snail Nourishing and Repairing Liq...

Title 2, Beauty Qiong Snail Nourishing and Repairing Liq...

Title 3, Beauty Qiong Snail Nourishing and Repairing Liq...Title 4, Beauty Qiong Snail Nourishing and Repairing Liq...Title 5, Beauty Qiong Snail Nourishing and Repairing Liq...Title 6, Beauty Qiong Snail Nourishing and Repairing Liq...Title 7, Beauty Qiong Snail Nourishing and Repairing Liq...Title 8, Beauty Qiong Snail Nourishing and Repairing Liq...

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52 reviews 45 verkopen

Beauty Qiong Snail Nourishing and Repairing Liquid 12ml. Nutrição e reparação para a pele. Sérum facial concentrado para uma tez radiante e saudável.

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Color : Repair liquid

Repair liquid
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Publicados: 16.11.2024 23:15 Em estoque: 600 147Visualizações

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