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11 Oct 2024
Wonderful, I loved it and it's much prettier than I expected.
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26 Oct 2024
Wearing this wig makes me feel like a woman. It's easy to put on and the style is just right. It completes my overall appearance. Makeup is important, but the right hairstyle truly finishes off a whole look.
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br*****04 - 2
27 Oct 2024
Top of the top.
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22 Nov 2024
To the party. It's definitely ugly, but this wig is cheaper. It's easy to put on, but it's so good-looking. Plus, men have a great head and a walk. Therefore I think, someone could not notice him, to him, the handle of this thing is meant to be angry.
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Informações do produto:

Pessoas aplicáveis: Sra.
Tecnologia de processamento: mecanismo
Pode ser tingido e passado a ferro: pode ser tingido
Material de cabelo: fio de alta temperatura
Tom de pele aplicável: qualquer tom de pele
Formato de rosto aplicável: qualquer formato de rosto
Tipo de franja: franja longa
Estilo: moda estrela
Penteado de peruca: cabelo longo e encaracolado com franja longa
Cor: cor da imagem principal w327 [enviar para a rede]

Title 1, Peruca longa cacheada fofa com franja oblíqua p...Title 2, Peruca longa cacheada fofa com franja oblíqua p...Title 3, Peruca longa cacheada fofa com franja oblíqua p...Title 4, Peruca longa cacheada fofa com franja oblíqua p...Title 5, Peruca longa cacheada fofa com franja oblíqua p...

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45 reviews 45 verkopen

Peruca longa cacheada fofa com franja oblíqua para reparar rosto e cabelo cacheado, seda de alta temperatura, realista e volumosa.

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Publicados: 16.11.2024 20:58 Em estoque: 600 110Visualizações

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