Очень красивый , но тяжелый и в дорожный мешок не помещается
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03 Nov 2024
Very good quality though it weighs. But I wanted to double it and if you can so I'll use it tb for travel. Suitable thickness not very fine
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21 Oct 2024
The seller very badly on his part, it takes a month and a half more than expected and did not declare the shipment with what they stopped me at customs, then they offered me no solution but to pay a third of the costs. Very bad of you. The very good product although the finish has small soft spots but nothing wrong.
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19 Oct 2024
The carpet is very beautiful, nice quality, the colors are beautiful, it does not slip, large and very comfortable, on the other hand the small bag provided is not used for much too small, I recommend this seller
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Informações do produto:
Artigo nº: Borracha natural
Categoria de produto: tapete de ioga
Tamanho: 183cm * 68cm
Espessura: 1,5 mm
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18 reviews 13 verkopen
Tapete de ioga de camurça de borracha natural impresso dobrável