5 foto
11 Avaliações
ab*********on - 0
14 Nov 2024
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hi*****12 - 1
10 Nov 2024
This is a great present, I am very happy with it, and I appreciate it.
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je******el - 2
27 Oct 2024
The presentation was excellent, arriving with multiple layers of bubble wrap, making breakage impossible. I highly recommend it, and a cute little card with a heart was included. I would recommend this seller. However, there was a slight delay. I ordered on November 25th, expecting it around December 11th, but received it late on December 22nd. Despite the delay, which I understand was due to the holidays, I wasn't disappointed and highly recommend this seller. Thank you very much.
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ke***23 - 3
26 Nov 2024
The article is identical to the photo, with excellent protection both on the outside of the box and inside each individual item, which is very pleasing. The sole issue is that the belt is secured with flanges, which leave marks on the skin. Otherwise, everything is great.
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Black, Brown
Leather, Metal, fabric

Informações do produto:

Material da fivela: aço inoxidável

Material da pulseira: imitação de couro

Formato do mostrador: redondo

Material da caixa: liga

Cor: Preto, Marrom

Title 1, Kit Completo para Homem Relógio de Quartzo, Car...

Title 2, Kit Completo para Homem Relógio de Quartzo, Car...Title 3, Kit Completo para Homem Relógio de Quartzo, Car...Title 4, Kit Completo para Homem Relógio de Quartzo, Car...Title 5, Kit Completo para Homem Relógio de Quartzo, Car...

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11 reviews 11 verkopen

Kit Completo para Homem Relógio de Quartzo, Carteira, Cinto, Abotoaduras e Gravata Conjunto ideal para um visual elegante e sofisticado

Entrega editar Brazil

Color : Black

Em estoque: 478
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Publicados: 27.11.2024 06:33 Em estoque: 478 24Visualizações

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