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lo**45 - 0
28 Nov 2024
Very nice wallet, I liked it a lot, thank you, it arrived quickly.
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ka********ac - 1
24 Oct 2024
This wallet is perfect for me. It can store cards, cash, and other items without making any one section too full. I appreciate the chain because I can attach it to my belt loop. This helps to prevent theft and keeps it from accidentally falling out.
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10 Nov 2024
This wallet is amazing. The craftsmanship is excellent, and it has ample room for credit cards, photos, and other items. The leather is beautifully worked. I highly recommend it! Excellent!
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17 Nov 2024
This is a great wallet, the perfect size to hold credit cards, pictures, and a license. It has a change compartment, or you can use it for extra cards. There's also a place for bills, with a divider if you want to separate them. I switched to this from a biker wallet and I'm very happy! It comes with a chain; it was inside the wallet. It's very stylish and made of real leather. There's no bad smell. Amazon delivered as expected! The price is good and the delivery was fast with Prime.
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Black, Brown, Coffee

Material: Couro para a primeira camada

Estilo: Inteligente

Carteiras: 20% de desconto
Método de abertura: aberto
Estrutura interna da bolsa pequena: compartimento oculto, porta-notas grande, compartimento para fotos, compartimento para troca, compartimento para zíper, compartimento para identificação, compartimento para cartão
Formato da caixa: quadrado horizontal
Estilo: casual
Elemento popular: Emenda
Padrão: cor sólida
Cor: Preto inteligente, café inteligente, vinho tinto inteligente, marrom inteligente, preto comum, café comum, vinho tinto comum, marrom comumTitle 1, Carteira de couro retro casual multicartão anti...Title 2, Carteira de couro retro casual multicartão anti...Title 3, Carteira de couro retro casual multicartão anti...Title 4, Carteira de couro retro casual multicartão anti...Title 5, Carteira de couro retro casual multicartão anti...

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5 reviews 20 verkopen

Carteira de couro retro casual multicartão anti-perda. Leve suas cartas com segurança e elegância. Design vintage e proteção contra perdas.

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Color : Wine Red

Wine Red
Em estoque: 571
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Publicados: 26.11.2024 04:27 Em estoque: 571 867Visualizações

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