With the Harman FR curve as itstuningtarget, whether it's in terms of parameter performance or sound perception, it outperforms most flagship products from other brands
Harman Target with Improved Bass Version
Based on the Harman FR curve, enhancing low-frequency sensitivity and dynamic performance, achieving an unstoppable low-frequency experience. Simultaneously, the mid and high frequencies seamlessly align with the Harman FR curve
Challenging all flagship products in the HIFI industry with its formidable strengthHarman Target Version
Built upon the acclaimed Harman FR curve within the HIFI community, and pushing beyond its boundaries!
In the past two years, many audiophileshave been pursuing a higher degree of adherence to the Harman FR curve. Many brands have used the Harman curve as a reference to launch their flagship products. Due to the challenging nature of acoustic tuning involved in achieving the Harman curve, many brands only fine-tune their flagship products to a relatively high degree of adherence. On the other hand, some lower-priced products, constrained by technology and cost, do not follow the Harman curve style in their tuning.
KZ-Castor breaks through traditional acoustic tuning methods by innovatively adopting a dual-dynamic driver acoustic design. This approach has resulted in the perfect Harman curve that outperforms flagship products from other brands.Parameters and performance comparable to other flagship products from other brands, but at only a fraction of their priceInnovative Stacked Dual-Dynamic DriversStructure Design
Traditional earphoneproductsoften exhibit a drop of around 6-7dB in the frequency range of 40-300Hz, and some earphoneproductsmarketed as HIFI may even have a drop as low as 4-5dB. (Why do so-called HIFI earphoneproductshave less drop in the low frequencies? This is done to create a false sense of perception for users. By reducing the low frequencies, they aim to make the mid and high frequencies seem better, claiming it's for low distortion. In reality, this is all deception, as they can't technically enhance only the 100Hz frequency range without affecting other ranges.) This meager drop in low frequencies is like reducing the explosion of a nuclear bomb to the sound of a firecracker.
Experience unprecedented and breathtaking super bass
Castor utilizes premium memory foam eartipswith optimized physical structure to significantly reduce teeth clenching noise. The slow rebound memory sponge material enhances wearing comfort and provides excellent noise reduction and sound isolation effects.