Wine perfectly packed, the colors pigmented very well, better even if you put a prebase on the eyelids and then apply the colors. It comes in a very nice box with a mirror, it's just as the picture shows. I recommend it. The shipment was fast. I'll place more orders on that seller.
Prikaži prevod
21 Oct 2024
Well packed I arrive Super soon from the Coco Urban brand I like warm colors and accords to my skin type I am cinnamon and Caribbean ña proudly from the Colombian Caribbean. I saw the internet recommendation of a youtuber and feel free to ask for it. I recommend that if you have glitter for special events or artistic makeup. Excellent.
Prikaži prevod
Recenzije više
Others, Plastic
Informacije o proizvodu: Boja: paleta senki za oči od 99 boja Broj boja: osam boja i više Rok upotrebe: 36 meseci Veličina jednog proizvoda: 28,5 * 23,5 * 1,2 cm
Lista pakovanja:
Paleta senki za oči Ks1
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76 recenzije 70 prodato
Novo prekogranično fabričko mesto za direktnu prodaju palete senki za oči od 99 boja u više boja, prilagođeno