8 Fotoğraf
19 Yorumlar
18 Oct 2024
The cable is a little bit long (it just harmlessly sticks out of the shroud),but otherwise the fans are pretty much indistinguishable from the original part, and certainly cool the chip, VRMs, VRAM modules, etc., just as well. I haven't heard the telltale rattle of bad bearings that I got with the last couple pairs of fans I used with this GPU, so fingers crossed, I guess.
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30 Oct 2024
Product exactly as described! Working perfectly!
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au****08 - 2
28 Nov 2024
Product came well packed, has a certain quality could be better serving for a time.
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Çeviriyi göster
17 Nov 2024
Perfectly installed and cooling fans.
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Ürün bilgisi:

Ürün özellikleri:
1 stil: Evrensel çift bilyalı fan,
2 stil: Genel hidrolik fan,
3 stil: orijinal 560 kırmızı fan,
4 stil: orijinal 470 570 kırmızı fan,
5 stil: orijinal 470 480 siyah fan,
6 stil: Evrensel fan,
7style: XFX 470 tokalı fan tekli,
8style: XFX 470 Yurtdışı Versiyonu Çift Bilyalı Tek Fan
Radyatör tipi: fan

Title 1, XFX - XFX RX 560D RX470 570 Ekran Kartı FanıTitle 2, XFX - XFX RX 560D RX470 570 Ekran Kartı FanıTitle 3, XFX - XFX RX 560D RX470 570 Ekran Kartı FanıTitle 4, XFX - XFX RX 560D RX470 570 Ekran Kartı FanıTitle 5, XFX - XFX RX 560D RX470 570 Ekran Kartı FanıTitle 6, XFX - XFX RX 560D RX470 570 Ekran Kartı FanıTitle 7, XFX - XFX RX 560D RX470 570 Ekran Kartı FanıTitle 8, XFX - XFX RX 560D RX470 570 Ekran Kartı Fanı

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Yayınlanan: 24.11.2024 13:35 Stokta var: 594 47Görüntüleme

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