Прекрасный, однако громоздкий, и в дорожную сумку его не положить.
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28 Nov 2024
This yoga mat is of high quality. I adore the design and it's very well constructed. I was concerned about it being slippery, but after using it for yoga, I maintained my grip. The product arrived incredibly quickly; it took only two days from the Spanish warehouse to Portugal. I wish I had known about the Spanish warehouse sooner.
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21 Oct 2024
The seller performed poorly; the delivery was a month and a half late and they didn't properly declare the shipment, causing customs issues. They offered no solution besides me paying a portion of the costs. This was very bad service. The product itself is very good, though the finish has minor imperfections.
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03 Nov 2024
The quality is very good, even though it has some weight. I was hoping to get a second one, and if that's possible, I would use it for travel. The thickness is appropriate, not too thin.
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Informazioni sul prodotto:
Articolo n.: Gomma naturale
Categoria di prodotto: tappetino da yoga
Dimensioni: 183 cm*68 cm
Spessore: 1,5 mm
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18 giudizi 13 venduto
Tappetino yoga in camoscio di gomma naturale stampato e pieghevole. Antiscivolo, morbido e perfetto per yoga a casa o in studio.