The products are great and arrived quickly. I just received them, and so far, they are GREAT. These are a gift for my grandson. I initially believed I was purchasing a set that included earpieces, which would have allowed him to play hide and seek.
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30 Oct 2024
I have bought the PMR radios for my son so he doesn't always take mine to play with. The operation is child's play and the range in the city is just under 1km, which is no different to my Motorola PMR radios. The frequencies are precisely matched so that the devices are also compatible with each other. A small drawback is that if the radios fall, one of the batteries easily comes out. Simply put a piece of kitchen roll in between and everything is great. In daily use for over three weeks and I can't say anything negative.
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24 Nov 2024
Highest point.
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Informacje o produkcie:
Modelka: mini Typ: profesjonalny Kategoria: Stacja przenośna Zakres częstotliwości: 400-470 (MHz) Moc wyjściowa RF: 1,5 (W) Liczba kanałów: 16 (a) Teoretyczna odległość komunikacyjna: 1 (km)
Lista pakowania:
Walkie-talkie X1
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Mini Walkie-Talkie na Ramię i do Kieszeni Kompaktowy i Poręczny Natychmiastowa Komunikacja Idealny do Użytku w Terenie Łatwy do Przenoszenia i Obsługi.