5 foto
12 Avaliações
22 Nov 2024
You received the item very quickly, within just 10 days, here in Barcelona. Thank you, seller. I highly recommend it, 100%. It matches the description, and I've already used it. Unfortunately, we ate the "poles" (likely referring to something consumable) and I can't include pictures, but everything is great. After sealing them with the lids, I put a gummy on them because they leak a little liquid. Thank you very much.
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mo**********tt - 1
19 Oct 2024
They are as I expected. Practical, comfortable and easy to unmold once cold. Ease of cleaning once used.
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ho*********io - 2
11 Oct 2024
The item arrived very fast, ten days prior to its arrival in Israel. The only issue is that the stick is not at the top like the photo, but in the middle of the mold, which will require removal and is not very convenient. I didn't realize the ice cream poured out in the photo. Otherwise, the size is good, not small.
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do**************ll - 3
21 Oct 2024
The colors are lovely and the shipping was very fast (1 week). They can be washed well and they do their job. They are a little smaller than I expected.
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Blue, Pink

Categoria de produto: molde de sorvete
Tipo de produto do saco de gelo da bandeja de gelo: bandeja de gelo
Aplicação: fabricação de sorvete
Gênero aplicável: GeralTitle 1, Molde de sorvete caseiro, fácil de usar para cr...Title 2, Molde de sorvete caseiro, fácil de usar para cr...Title 3, Molde de sorvete caseiro, fácil de usar para cr...Title 4, Molde de sorvete caseiro, fácil de usar para cr...Title 5, Molde de sorvete caseiro, fácil de usar para cr...Title 6, Molde de sorvete caseiro, fácil de usar para cr...Title 7, Molde de sorvete caseiro, fácil de usar para cr...Title 8, Molde de sorvete caseiro, fácil de usar para cr...

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12 reviews 12 verkopen

Molde de sorvete caseiro, fácil de usar para criar sorvetes deliciosos e personalizados em casa. Perfeito para famílias e crianças.

Entrega editar Brazil

Color : Pink

6 piece set
Em estoque: 652
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Publicados: 19.11.2024 14:01 Em estoque: 652 36Visualizações

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