Действительно, кофта отличная, хорошо облегает руки и грудь. Оттенок немного розоватый, то есть это не совсем идеальный серый. Кроме того, она немного короткая, примерно до пупка. В остальном, рекомендую, очень удобная.
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02 Nov 2024
Why isn't the one that is supposed to be grey actually grey, but instead pink?
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18 Oct 2024
This top is really cool and fits me. However, if you're larger, consider sizing up because it's a bit short, and the sleeves are a little snug. Despite that, it's still very cool, and I like it.
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22 Nov 2024
The sweatshirt is great, there are a couple of small issues like a few loose threads, but it's not a problem. For the price, it's excellent, and it arrived very quickly.